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Nim's Guide to Magic Items

Nim's Guide to Magic Items

I've been searching for some crafting rules that suit my needs, and found a lot of good stuff out there. Most of it is a bit too complex for my liking, especially with how streamlined 5e's rules are. With that in mind, I gathered a few of the crafting systems I liked and incorporated them together to suit my needs. This is my first attempt at a more professional layout. With that I wanted to take...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Guide to Poisons

Nim's Guide to Poisons

Here's a new take on poisons in D&D 5e. With the standard 5e rules for poisons, any character can acquire any poison as long as they have enough coin (with DM approval). It doesn't matter what level the character is. This new system ranks poisons by rarity, just like magic items. So it is clear what level your character needs to be to gain access to each kind of poison.  Each poison comes in...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - Races and Feats

Nim's Character Options - Races and Feats

This is the first installment of a large collection of material that I've been working on for a few years now. Most of the material comes from one of the following places: player requests; media or popular culture (comic books, movies, tv, etc...); Magic: the Gathering; or older D&D material. In this 88 page book, you will find: 50+ player races 50+ feats Because I don't consider myself a "creative...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - Spells

Nim's Character Options - Spells

This is the second installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: Spells. This book is a collection of over 200 homebrew spells, including: - 60+ cantrips (with "Green-Flame Blade" alternatives for all damage types, "Arrow" versions of those cantrips, and a few "Hands" cantrips that bring a mix of the "Blade" cantrips with Shillelagh). - LOTS of spells that are influenced from Magic: The...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Wizard

Nim's Character Options - The Wizard

After some dedicated playtesting in the 5e Fight Club discord server, here's the next installment in my book series,  Nim's Character Options: The Wizard. This 18 page book includes the following: - 13 Wizard Subclasses ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Warlock

Nim's Character Options - The Warlock

After about 6 months of sparse playtesting in the 5e Fight Club discord server, I'm ready to release the next installment in my book series, and the second class book, Nim's Character Options: The Warlock. This 39 page book includes the following: - 10 Warlock Subclasses - 56 Warlock Invocations - 2 Pact Boons - Grafting Mechanics (including 75 grafts, that act similar to magic items) - 9 Spells...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - Psionics

Nim's Character Options - Psionics

This is the fifth installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: Psionics. In this 33 page book, you will find: - 26 "kinetic" feats (modeled after the Telekinetic feat from Tasha's, granting a cantrip and improving it) - 35 cantrips (a sample of cantrips from NCO: Spells, that are used in the "kinetic" feats mentioned above) - 3 "psionicist" feats (can be used together like a build-your-own...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Cantrip Pamphlet

Nim's Cantrip Pamphlet

Here is a collection of cantrips I've created, 65 in total. - 22 "Attack" cantrips (rounding out the other damage types) - 10 "Balde" cantrips (alternatives to Green-Flame Blade and Booming Blade, rounding out the other damage types) - 10 "Arrow" cantrips (ranged weapon variations of the "Blade" cantrips) - 6 "Hands" cantrips (unique unarmed strike variants of the "Blade" cantrips) - 17 "Utility"...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Nim's Character Options - The Druid

Nim's Character Options - The Druid

After some dedicated playtesting in the 5e Fight Club discord server, here's the next installment in my book series,  Nim's Character Options: The Druid. This 21 page book includes the following: - 7 Druid Subclasses (some of which have multiple options within them) - 6 Wild Companion Creature Options ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Rogue

Nim's Character Options - The Rogue

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Rogue. This 30 page book includes the following: - 13 Rogue Subclasses - Alchemical Items - New Equipment ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Vehicle Workshop

Nim's Vehicle Workshop

This book is still very much in the playtesting phase, but I wanted to get it out there. In the hopes of getting more feedback. Within this 90 page book you will find: Rules to add vehicles into any D&D 5e game (Taken from Descent into Avernus and Ghosts of Saltmarsh, mixed together, then updated for air, land, and sea vehicles of all sizes). A guide to build vehicles from varying levels of...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Artificer

Nim's Character Options - The Artificer

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Artificer. This 64 page book includes the following: - 10 Artificer Subclasses - Grafting - Magical Tattoos - 11 Vehicles (1-4 Medium creatures)  ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Cleric

Nim's Character Options - The Cleric

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Cleric. This 18 page book includes the following: - 13 Cleric Subclasses - 1 New Spell   ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Fighter

Nim's Character Options - The Fighter

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Fighter. This 32 page book includes the following: - 13 Fighter Subclasses - New Fighting Styles - New Battle Master Maneuvers ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Paladin

Nim's Character Options - The Paladin

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Paladin. This 16 page book includes the following: - 12 Paladin Subclasses - New Fighting Styles ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Arcane Arsenal

Nim's Arcane Arsenal

This book adds another layer of customization to the base items in the game. Replacing all of the armor/shields/weapons from the PHB, and adding a few new items as well. Introducing the "Modify" property, among others. The Modify property adds a number of "slots" to an item, that modifications can be added to. There is a plethora of modifications to add or subtract different properties from base items,...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Barbarian

Nim's Character Options - The Barbarian

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Barbarian. This 20 page book includes the following: - 15 Barbarian Subclasses This book updates an older piece of material I have here on the DM's Guild, Barbarian Path - Warforged Juggernaut, and it will be discontinued as a stand alone document from now on. ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Dragon Codex

Nim's Dragon Codex

So, this book was originally intended to be a small player supplement. Focusing on new races and subclasses...then I got inspired, and started doing some research. Turning this book into a pseudo-draconomicon of sorts. I don't consider myself a writer by any stretch of the imagination. So there was no intention to write my own draconomicon. I prefer to let the mechanics speak for themselves, and let...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Sorcerer

Nim's Character Options - The Sorcerer

After about 8 months of sparse playtesting in the 5e Fight Club discord server, I'm ready to release the third installment in my book series, and the first class book, Nim's Character Options: The Sorcerer. This 19 page book includes the following: - 10 Sorcerer Subclasses - 9 Metamagic Options - 7 Spells (Which can also be found in Nim's Character Options - Spells) This book updates an older piece...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Dungeon Workshop

Nim's Dungeon Workshop

First off, I want to give credit where it's due. The rules in this book are based off of the construction mechanics established in the Fortresses, Temples, and Strongholds book by Walrock Homebrew. I highly recommend checking it out for all your other in-world construction needs. This book is all about building dungeons to protect treasure from adventurers. Meant to be a tool, for both DMs and...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Bard

Nim's Character Options - The Bard

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Bard. This 21 page book includes the following: - 12 Bard Subclasses - New Optional Class Features for Bard - New Emotional Conditions (to replace frightened) ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Monk

Nim's Character Options - The Monk

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Monk. This 36 page book includes the following: - 11 Monk Subclasses ...   [click here for more]
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Nim's Character Options - The Ranger

Nim's Character Options - The Ranger

Here's the next installment in my book series, Nim's Character Options: The Ranger. This 22 page book includes the following: - 9 Ranger Subclasses - New Fighting Styles - New Optional Class Features ...   [click here for more]
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Creatures - The Musa

Creatures - The Musa

I've got a creature here that you may find a-peel-ing. Anthropomorphized aboriginal bananas! Tiny CR 1/4 creatures that have poison blow darts...and more 10 New Creatures total 1 New Spell (Taken from the Warlock patron below) Get ready for some slippery situations! You can find my DMsGuild content here: Daniel Nnorth ...   [click here for more]
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