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The Pugilist Class

The Pugilist Class

With nothing but their wits, will, and fists, pugilists lay it all on the table every time they’re in for a scrap. No strangers to adversity, pugilists can dish it out, take a licking and still keep coming back for more. A pugilist’s unbreakable spirit and talent for fisticuffs don’t come from rigorous training or high minded philosophies but are the hard won trophies of never backing down from...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook

The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook

The Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook is the ultimate resource for creating new characters to play in your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within this book you’ll find new races, subclasses, feats, spells, magic items, and more. In addition to new options available to every class published by Wizards of the Coast, as well as Matt Mercer’s Blood Hunter,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $39.95

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Player's Companion

Player's Companion

"To say I'm a fan of what MT Black writes and motivates in others would be an understatement, as would simply saying 'He's done it again!' I can speak from experience when I say that working closely with a ton of designers, on a project with no upfront payment, is a daunting task. Yet, the Player's Companion is a superb achievement in page count alone, never mind the ingenuity of many of the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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The Magus Class

The Magus Class

Combining martial prowess and magical power, the magi are spell swords, arcane archers, mystic marauders, and sorcerous sentinels. Every magus pledges themself to an eldritch society that inducts them into the magic arts and trains them in war. This versatile training means that magi are versatile adventurers and unpredictable foes. Every magus is a member of an eldritch society. Eldritch Societies...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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The Scholar Class

The Scholar Class

Unlikely heroes though they are, scholars leverage their impressive genius and prestigious educations to overcome challenges that would thwart less prepared adventurers. Whether they’re analyzing an enemy for weaknesses or giving sagacious advice to their allies, a scholar’s keen powers of reasoning and deduction can clutch victory from the jaws of defeat. All scholars specialize in a field of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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The Complete Devout Handbook

The Complete Devout Handbook

Packed inside this handbook you’ll find new player options for your cleric, druid, monk, and paladin characters! The Complete Devout Handbook includes: 4 Cleric divine domains: Commerce Domain, Darkness Domain, Love Domain, Prophecy Domain 4 Druid circles: Circle of Bond, Circle of Branch, Circle of Cataclysm, Circle of Spirit 4 Monk...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $11.95

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The Complete Martialist Handbook

The Complete Martialist Handbook

Packed inside this handbook you’ll find new player options for your barbarian, fighter, ranger, and rogue characters! The Complete Marialist Handbook includes: 4 Barbarian paths: Path of the Rune Sage, Path of the Skinchanger, Path of the Sylvan Warden, Path of the War Chief 4 Fighter archetypes: Combat Medic, Crusader, Gladiator,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $11.95

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The Complete Arcanist Handbook

The Complete Arcanist Handbook

Packed inside this handbook you’ll find new player options for your bard, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard characters! The Complete Arcanist Handbook includes: 4 Bard colleges: College of Drama, College of Fortune, College of Pantomime, College of Puppetry 4 Sorcerer origins: Arcane Prodigy, Cursed Existence, Greenheart, Reincarnated...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $11.95

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The Spiritualist Class

The Spiritualist Class

Spiritualists truck with restless spirits and wield psychic powers. Having survived a brush with death, spiritualists discover that not only can they sense the presence of the restless dead, they can also channel them. The forgotten promise they made while on death's door allows them to cast spells that manipulate the emotions and senses of others, as well as exert their will over life and death. Play...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.95

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Beastfolk, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Beastfolk, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Whether born or cursed to the form, beastfolk are a collection of humanoid races that each bear strong resemblance to an animal. Due to the dizzying variety of animals in the world, and beastfolk that take after them, as a whole beastfolk have few common bonds. They may form small communities, particularly if they all resemble the same animal, but often times they live on the edges of civilization...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook | Roll20

The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook | Roll20

The Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook is the ultimate resource for creating new characters to play in your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and now you can add them to Roll20 Characters! You’ll find new races, subclasses, feats, spells, magic items, and more!! In addition to new options available to every class published by Wizards of the Coast, as well as...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $39.95

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Saurian, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Saurian, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Thought lost to history, or myths to begin with, by most civilized people, the Saurian are an ancient race with physical similarities to the behemoths of D&D worlds. To hear the Saurian tell it, they are the eldest race of the material plane and ruled the world for ages with strength and wisdom. A cataclysm in their past caused them to lose their grasp on the younger races and as fewer and fewer...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Pactborn, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Pactborn, an Original Race for D&D 5e

When warlocks dare to test their luck by forging pacts with powerful creatures outside the material realm they risk not only their own souls but the souls of their kin as well. Pactborn are the children of warlocks whose binding relationship to otherworldly patrons left a telling imprint on their spawn. Pactborn children are almost always shunned by society and usually just as likely to be rejected...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Infamous Adversaries

Infamous Adversaries

Infamous Adversaries is a collection of 39 original takes on classic D&D monsters, each designed to be dropped into your ongoing campaign as a side quest or as the focus of a one-shot game. The collection features adversaries for every tier of play, including foes with challenge ratings as low as 1/4 and as high as 30. Each adversary includes a plot hook to spark your...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Dhampir, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Dhampir, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Born of the union of mortal and vampire, the dhampir come into the world infused with undead power but alive. Among mortals the dhampir are feared for their connection with undeath and their unnatural abilities. Among vampires the dhampir are disrespected for their connection with life and their mortal frailties. Straddling the line between the living and the dead, the dhampir must forge their own...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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The Book of Uncommon Ancestry

The Book of Uncommon Ancestry

Inside the the Book of Uncommon Ancestry you’ll find a treasure trove of new player options related to some of the rarer peoples of the D&D multiverse. It features 12 new player character races, new weapons used mainly by giff and thri-kreen adventurers, over 30 new racial feats, and 48 new magic items. New races explored in the Book include: Book wyrms are small, winged...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $11.95

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Legends of Frozenfar: an Icewind Dale Player's Companion

Legends of Frozenfar: an Icewind Dale Player's Companion

This is a supplementary material of options catered to the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden adventure to be used alongside the official books from Wizards of the Coast. It also includes a subclass inspired by the setting for Benjamin Huffman’s adamantium best-selling Pugilist Class, his first official expansion on the class since its release.  The following new lore-faithful subclasses...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.99

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Dragontortleborn, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Dragontortleborn, an Original Race for D&D 5e

"An odd cousin of dragonborn, the dragontortleborn combine the best attributes of dragons, humanoids, and turtles. Usually mistaken for a particularly fearsome tortle or a shelled dragonborn, dragontortleborn are a rare sight in most worlds. Despite their small numbers, dragontortleborn are every bit as proud as their dragonborn cousins. While the dragonborn make their wars on land, dragontortleborn...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Giff, a New Playable Race for D&D 5e

Giff, a New Playable Race for D&D 5e

Long ago the giff, a race of hippopotamus-headed humanoids, lost their home world. Since that time, they have been traveling the multiverse operating as mercenaries. Despite their itinerant society, their culture is highly structured. Every giff has a rank in a military hierarchy that includes all giff, with strict rules and guidelines for interacting with superiors, inferiors, and peers....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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the Vampire Prestige Class for D&D 5e

the Vampire Prestige Class for D&D 5e

Vampires are nigh immortal undead creatures whose existence go on unending except in the rare case of a determined foe who can turn their supernatural banes against them. Solitary predators, vampires shun one another’s presence unless they believe there is some advantage to be gained by tolerating one another. Vampires use stolen life force to power their dark magic, labor under accursed bloodlines...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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Kilnkin, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Kilnkin, an Original Race for D&D 5e

On the banks of a mystic river, in a region secluded from the outside world, there is a clay that can be shaped, fired, and filled with an alchemical concoction that transmutes these raw materials into new life. The people created in this way, the kilnkin, are deeply religious. Pottery, alchemy, and a cultural system that divides individuals into castes form the basis of their society. As a rule,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Hengeyokai, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Hengeyokai, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Descendants of trouble-making shape-changing spirits, hengeyokai live among humans and are often mistaken for them. With close scrutiny an observer might notice a hengeyokai has an odd tell: rabbit ears, a fox tail, or feathers where their hair should be. This tell hints at the hengeyokai's animal form, which they can freely take. Possessed of an insatiable curiosity and an appreciation for elaborate...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Keep of the Kobold Queen

Keep of the Kobold Queen

Keep of the Kobold Queen is a Japanese Roleplaying Game (JRPG) inspired pixel art title that includes an adventure optimized for 3 to 5 characters at 2nd level, six pregenerated 2nd level characters, new classes, new magic items, new monsters, and pixel art paper miniatures. An adventure… In Keep of the Kobold Queen, characters will undertake...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Shardmind, a New Playable Race for D&D 5e

Shardmind, a New Playable Race for D&D 5e

All shardminds were once physically and psychically united in the Living Gate, a metaphysical seal that locked the Far Realm away from the rest of existence. When the Living Gate was destroyed it sent crystalline shards across the multiverse. Some of these shards became sentient, formed humanoid bodies, and became shardminds. Almost all shardminds agree their purpose in existence is to rebuild...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Thri-Kreen, a New Playable Race for 5e

Thri-Kreen, a New Playable Race for 5e

Dwelling in the hottest parts of the world, thri-kreen stalk the savannas and deserts they call home. These insect-like humanoids must fend for themselves from the moment they are born and continue to do so until the day they die. Not prone to emotion or social impulses, thri-kreen are happy to spend the entirety of their lives hunting and foraging for everything they need to survive. You...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

Now available for Fantasy Grounds Unity! The Ultimate Adventurer’s Handbook is the ultimate resource for creating new characters to play in your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Includes: 102 subclasses, 36 feats, 175 spells, and over 150 magic and mundane items. In addition to new options available to every class published by Wizards...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $49.95

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Grimalkin, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Grimalkin, an Original Race for D&D 5e

The grimalkin were once a people divided. There were grimalkin native to the Feywild and grimalkin native to the Shadowfell. The two sides were locked in a war which, for grimalkin, meant an endless parade of usually harmless, often elaborate, and occasionally cruel pranks. As the war dragged on from decades to millennia, denizens of the Shadowfell and the Feywild conspired with one another for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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The Complete Martialist Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

The Complete Martialist Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

This is a module for the FANTASY GROUNDS VTT, if you are looking for the PDF - click here. Here's what reviewers and DM's Guild authors are saying about The Complete Martialist Handbook: "I've been looking for a product like this for a while, and I'm delighted that the talented Ben Huffman has delivered it. Definitely worth checking out." MT Black, Guild Adept "Lots of interesting...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $8.95

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The Complete Devout Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

The Complete Devout Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here. The Complete Devout Handbook is packed with player options, spells, and magic items for your Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Paladin characters! Will you play a cleric of commerce sealing business deals with divine magic? A druid that speaks with spirits and fights wielding a whisker plucked from...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $8.95

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Legends of Frozenfar: an Icewind Dale Player's Companion (Fantasy Grounds)

Legends of Frozenfar: an Icewind Dale Player's Companion (Fantasy Grounds)

Explore the Frozenfar like never before - now with Fantasy Grounds! This is a supplementary material of options catered to the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden adventure to be used alongside the official books from Wizards of the Coast. It also includes a subclass inspired by the setting for Benjamin Huffman’s adamantium best-selling Pugilist Class, his first official expansion...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.99

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The Magus Class (Fantasy Grounds)

The Magus Class (Fantasy Grounds)

This is the version for Fantasy Grounds Virtual Table Top. Requires: Players Handbook, Xanathar's Guid to Everything, and Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide Includes a DM version (NPCs and Items) and Players Version (Reference Manual, Class, Spells, and Tables) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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Il Pugile

Il Pugile

Con nient'altro se non astuzia, determinazione e i loro pugni, i pugili piazzano ogni loro colpo come se fosse l'ultimo. Non sono estranei alle avversità e possono darle, incassarle e tuttavia non cedere. Lo spirito indistruttibile e il talento per il pugilato non provengono da un rigoroso allenamento o da grandi filosofie, ma sono il risultato della determinazione e del non tirarsi mai indietro...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.07 $2.06

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Le Pugiliste

Le Pugiliste

Avec rien d’autre que leur astuce, leur volonté et leur poings, les pugilistes donnent tout ce qu’ils à chaque fois qu’ils se battent. Familier avec l’adversité, les pugilistes peuvent donner autant qu’ils reçoivent et toujours revenir pour plus. L’esprit incassable d’un pugiliste et son talent pour la bagarre ne viennent pas d’un entraînement rigoureux ou d’idéaux philosophiques,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.50

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Fight To The Top: A Charity Adventure

Fight To The Top: A Charity Adventure

"And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the uneheard." - Martin Luther King Jr.  What has the city of Shoalpeak failed to hear? For far too long, the city has been split into layered districts which jump in wealth as they rise in elevation. From the safety of the upper district, under the protection of vaguely-humanoid guard contstucts, The Council of Pearls...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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Infamous Adversaries (Fantasy Grounds)

Infamous Adversaries (Fantasy Grounds)

Infamous Adversaries Infamous Adversaries is a collection of 40 original takes on classic D&D monsters, each designed to be dropped into your ongoing campaign as a side quest or as the focus of a one-shot game. The collection features adversaries for every tier of play, including foes with challenge ratings as low as 1/4 and as high as 30. Each adversary includes a plot...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $22.45

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Il Magus

Il Magus

La classe del Magus combina potere magico e prodezza marziale. Il magus della Sterling Vermin è inteso a simulare i maghispada, arcieri arcani, cercatori e guardiani delle vecchie edizioni. Se vuoi giocare un combattente i cui incantesimi sono letali tanto quanto la sua spada (o ascia o arco), il Magus è la classe che fa per te. La classe del Magus è completa di cinque Società...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Il Dhampir

Il Dhampir

Nati dall’unione tra un umanoide vivente e un vampiro, i dhampir nascono corrotti dall’influenza non morta, eppure sono mortali. Tra i mortali i dhampir sono temuti per la loro connessione con la non morte e per le loro abilità sovrannaturali. Tra i vampiri, invece, i dhampir sono disprezzati a causa del loro legame con la vita e per la loro fragilità mortale. In bilico tra...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Le Pugiliste - Gratuit

Le Pugiliste - Gratuit

Ceci est un aperçu gratuit de la classe Pugiliste. Vous pouvez trouver la version complète de la classe, incluant 4 cercles de combats additionnel, 3 bloc de caractéristiques pour PNJ, et deux douzaines de nouveaux objets magiques ici. Avec rien d’autre que leur astuce, leur volonté et leur poings, les pugilistes donnent tout ce qu’ils à chaque fois...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Complete Handbook Series (BUNDLE)

The Complete Handbook Series (BUNDLE)

This special bundle product contains the following titles. The Complete Arcanist Handbook Regular price: $11.95 Bundle price: $9.95 Format: PDF Packed inside this handbook you’ll find new player options for your bard, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard characters! The Complete Arcanist Handbook includes: 4 Bard colleges: College of Drama, College of Fortune,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $35.85 $29.85

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The Incomplete Arcanist Handbook

The Incomplete Arcanist Handbook

This free product includes a preview of the material available in The Complete Arcanist Handbook. This preview includes a total of 4 new archetypes and 8 new spells. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Incomplete Devout Handbook

The Incomplete Devout Handbook

This free product includes a preview of the material available in The Complete Devout Handbook. Included in this preview is 4 new archetypes and 10 new spells. Here’s what reviewers and DM’s Guild authors are saying about The Complete Devout Handbook: “The Complete Devout Handbook is masterfully crafted and provides abundant, interesting,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Incomplete Martialist Handbook

The Incomplete Martialist Handbook

This free product includes a preview of the material available in The Complete Martialist Handbook. This preview includes a total of 4 new archetypes, 6 new weapons, and 4 new feats. Here’s what reviewers and DM’s Guild authors are saying about The Complete Martialist Handbook: “I’ve been looking for a product like this for awhile, and I’m delighted...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Magus Class Preview

The Magus Class Preview

This is a free preview of the Magus class. You can find the full version of the class, including three additional eldritch societies, four NPC stat blocks, and twenty new magic items here. Combining martial prowess and magical power, the magi are spell swords, arcane archers, mystic marauders, and sorcerous sentinels. Every magus pledges themself to an eldritch society that inducts...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Pamphlet of Uncommon Ancestry

The Pamphlet of Uncommon Ancestry

The Pamphlet of Uncommon Ancestry is a free preview of the full title, the Book of Uncommon Ancestry. Inside you’ll find 3 new player character races, 7 new racial feats, and 12 new magic items. New races detailed in the Pamphlet include: Dhampir are the cursed offspring of a mortal and a vampire. They can walk in sunlight, though they typically avoid doing so, and often...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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the Pugilist Class Preview

the Pugilist Class Preview

This is a free preview of the Pugilist class. You can find the full version of the class, including four additional fight clubs, three antagonists stat blocks, and two dozen new magic items here.  With nothing but their wits, will, and fists, pugilists lay it all on the table every time they’re in for a scrap. No strangers to adversity, pugilists can dish it out, take a licking...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Scholar Class Preview

The Scholar Class Preview

You can find the full version of the Scholar class here, complete with an additional four Fields of Study and 12 Erudite Applications. Unlikely heroes though they are, scholars leverage their impressive genius and prestigious educations to overcome challenges that would thwart less prepared adventurers. Whether they’re analyzing an enemy for weaknesses or giving sagacious advice...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Sorcerer Class, Revisited

The Sorcerer Class, Revisited

The Sorcerer Class, Revisited attempts to address common community critiques of the Sorcerer class with minimal changes to the class. Incorporate into this revised variant of the sorcerer class are: additional spells known, additional metamagic options, and a spell points system. If you feel the sorcerer class in the Player's Handbook lacks a distinct identity as a spellcaster, check out...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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Vive la France [BUNDLE]

Vive la France [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Le Pugiliste Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $1.20 Format: PDF Avec rien d’autre que leur astuce, leur volonté et leur poings, les pugilistes donnent tout ce qu’ils à chaque fois qu’ils se battent. Familier avec l’adversité, les pugilistes peuvent donner autant...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.37 $5.95

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