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T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil (1e)

T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil (1e)

DISCLAIMER: The Print on Demand product contains typos and other errors that were contained in the original product. Until we find a copy available without those errors they will be reflected in any purchase of the  Print on Demand version of this title. A sinister force, long thought destroyed, stirs from the black hole that spawned it. Like an ebony darkness...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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I3-5 Desert of Desolation (1e)

I3-5 Desert of Desolation (1e)

An epic adventure includes the revised Desert of Desolation series plus totally new adventures within Raurin, a desert wilderness set within the Forgotten Realms. A Campaign Adventure for Character Levels 5-10: Deep blue mists of the night swirl over the sands of Raurin, the incomparable Desert of Dust. As the cool night air drains the heat from the sand, you & your friends huddle around your...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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H4 The Throne of Bloodstone (1e)

H4 The Throne of Bloodstone (1e)

The battle between the mighty undead army of the Witch-King of Vaasa and the forces of Bloodstone has come to a standstill. As long as the source of the Witch-King\'s power is at work, his evil forces will never be defeated! As the rulers of Bloodstone Pass, it is up to you to find and destroy the source of Vaasa\'s power. All you have to do is journey to the Abyss, confront the mightiest demon...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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H2 The Mines of Bloodstone (1e)

H2 The Mines of Bloodstone (1e)

The most deadly dungeon ever designed! High-level characters brave the unexplored corridors of Deepearth to confront perhaps the most feared adversary in the AD&D game. The second chapter of the Bloodstone Pass saga follows the conclusion of the desperate war against the bandit army. A cold and bitter winter drives the villagers to the edge of starvation, and numerous horrors strike the town...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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FR1 Waterdeep and the North (1e)

FR1 Waterdeep and the North (1e)

The North...rugged mountains and dense forests, which hide many beings hostile to man (who has settled here but lightly). Many dungeons and ruins also lie hidden in the Northern wastes, relics of the former splendor of the dwarven kingdoms, now lost and abandoned, and of earlier, fallen kingdoms of men. Waterdeep...crossroads of the world, City of Splendors. Here are wealth and goods from every...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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M2/MSOLO2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur (Basic)

M2/MSOLO2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur (Basic)

An expert set solitaire adventure. For a long time you have heard legends about the Island of Vacros; when you were only a child, the stories about evil minotaurs were used to scare you into behaving. Now you are grown, and you no longer believe children's stories. But King Trueon of Cathos is worried: his daughter Princess Lydora has been kidnapped, and he has found clues that she has been taken...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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X13 Crown of Ancient Glory (Basic)

X13 Crown of Ancient Glory (Basic)

All is not well in the kingdom of Vestland. Not only is the king dead and the holy Sonora Crown missing, but the heir to the kingdom was lost at birth and no on knows where to find him. As if this wasn't bad enough, the forces of the Ethengar Khanate, never on the best of terms with Vestland, are now massing on the borders, hoping to take advantage of Vestland's plight. To complete the rosy picture,...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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WG7 Castle Greyhawk (1e)

WG7 Castle Greyhawk (1e)

Deep beneath the keep of Castle Greyhawk, a really nasty device is creating mutated, unpleasant monsters that are running wild throughout the castle and the twelve-level dungeon beneath. The call has gone out for heroic, fearless, and perhaps foolish adventures to out-hack, out-slash, and sometimes even out-think hordes of doughmen, headless mice, manic bee queens, really bad dead things, burgermen,...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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X4 Master of the Desert Nomads (Basic)

X4 Master of the Desert Nomads (Basic)

To arms! To arms! The battle lines are drawn as desert men and inhuman tribes wait poised to strike on the fertile and rich lands of the east. The call has gone out through the civilized lands. The armies have been raised to match the invading foes from the west. Nobles and peasants have joined swords to greet the foes. But Fate or Chance has decreed another role for a small few. No...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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N2 The Forest Oracle (1e)

N2 The Forest Oracle (1e)

The land lies under a curse. Fruit drops to the ground, its pulp black and rotten. Leaves curl and wither on the branches. Animals flee the parched vale, or starve. Long ago, the Downs prospered under the care of Druids, but the priests of nature have retreated deep into the woods and rarely show themselves. One old man claims that the Druids have the power to save the valley, if only...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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Dungeon Master's Design Kit (1e)

Dungeon Master's Design Kit (1e)

As any good Dungeon Master knows, preparation is the key to a great adventure. The more work done in advance, the smoother the play session will go. And nothing turns players off faster than a DM fumbling for the right piece of information in the middle of a fast-paced session. That's where the Dungeon Master's Design Kit comes in. Inside its 96 time-saving pages are scores of organizational ideas,...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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X9 The Savage Coast (Basic)

X9 The Savage Coast (Basic)

What sends you adventuring deep into unknown lands, across dark waters, around The Savage Coast? Adventure? The sincere desire to help others? Or greed? Cartographers Guild members tell of lost cities and hidden treasures. Sailors tell of menacing beasts and cannibals to the west. They tell of savages along the shores who use gold nuggets for fishing weights. They also tell of great mounds of gold...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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N3 Destiny of Kings (1e) (1986)

N3 Destiny of Kings (1e) (1986)

When Treason Walks the Land... Trouble stirs in Dunador! The King lies dead of a wound received during a hunting expedition. His brother, Lord Edrin, challenges the rightful Crown Prince, a half-trained young man named Edmund, for possession of the throne while Edmund travels on a pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Nevron. Forces throughout the kingdom vie for control of the realm. Can...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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PG1 Player's Guide to the Dragonlance Campaign (2e)

PG1 Player's Guide to the Dragonlance Campaign (2e)

If you have been intrigued by the Dragonlance setting, but have felt intimidated by the sheer amount of information it comprises, this is the book for you. This book will not baffle you with "game jargon." It presents the world of Krynn in a manner you are sure to find entertaining and informative. Through a combination of original fiction and long-established fact, you will discover the continent...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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DMGR4 Monster Mythology (2e)

DMGR4 Monster Mythology (2e)

Maglubiyet... Blibdoolpoolp... Diinkarazan... Panzuriel.... Such names are whispered in the dark on the far side of midnight, or muttered fearfully around jugs of wine when old, scarred adventurers tell their tales. They are the unseen, unknown things worshipped by monsters and monstrosities. Learn all about the avatars and shamans of giants, goblins, the Underdark - even illithids and beholders...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99 $5.99

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X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord (Basic)

X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord (Basic)

An insidious peril threatens the peaceful kingdom of Wendar. When a traitor stole the realm's greatest treasure, the magical Elvenstar, disease, drought, and famine struck the land. For the first time in decades, hostile armies were poised to invade Wendar. Yet even greater danger looms. The traitor has delivered the magical gem into the hands of the Shadow Lord, Wendar's greatest foe. This evil...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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DL3 Dragons of Hope (1e)

DL3 Dragons of Hope (1e)

The Dragonlance saga continues! You have freed 800 refugees from the depths of Pax Tharkas, but now the armies of the dragon highmaster Verminaard pursue you through the wilderness. There is only one hope for you: Find the gates to Thorbardin, the ancient kingdom of the mountain dwarves, sealed long ago in the Dwarfgate War. The problem is that nobody knows where it is, or if it still exists! Through...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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Tales of the Lance (2e)

Tales of the Lance (2e)

Dragons - once they were mere legends'stories told to frighten children. Now, they are living nightmares. From Draconian patrols on the streets of port Balifor to the haunted depths of the Blood Sea, the dragons have returned to Krynn. Enter the ravaged land of Ansalon, a land forsaken by gods, beset by fell beasts, and championed by desperate heroes. Enter the Age of Dragons. The world of Krynn has...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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DL4 Dragons of Desolation (1e)

DL4 Dragons of Desolation (1e)

The draconians have now conquered the civilized lands to the north. You have led a struggling, starving band of refugees out of slavery-but freedom and safety lie over an impassible mountain range! There is only one way to safety: find the doors of the ancient dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin, and persuade the rulers to let the refugees pass. What price will the dwarven thanes ask? Can you succeed...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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Villains' Lorebook (2e)

Villains' Lorebook (2e)

Evil takes many forms in the lands of Faer?n. This book brings all of them out of the darkness and into the light. These are the characters who have tested the mettle of the foremost heroes of the FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign world. They spread chaos and death wherever they venture, ruining whatever they touch. And they're coming to your campaign! Inside this companion volume to Heroes' Lorebook, you'll...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99 $5.99

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DL8 Dragons of War (1e)

DL8 Dragons of War (1e)

The Tower of the High Clerist pierces the cold sky. The chill wind blows snowy swirls across Solamnic Knights huddled on the battlements. This is their last stand. Behind the pass they guard sits the gleaming city of Palanthus. The war will be lost if the city falls to the Dragonarmy. All eyes strain south across the rolling plains of Solamnia. The Knights hear the distant thunder of a vast horde...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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PC1 Creature Crucible: Tall Tales of the Wee Folk (Basic)

PC1 Creature Crucible: Tall Tales of the Wee Folk (Basic)

The King of the Fairies rules a magical world of mischief, intrigue, danger, and adventure rivaling anything the human world can offer. From brownies, leprechauns, pixies, and sprites to pookas and even centaurs, all creatures of the enchanted woodlands reveal their secrets for the first time. Product History PC1: "Tall Tales of the Wee Folk" (1989), by John Nephew, is the first...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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FOR1 Draconomicon (2e)

FOR1 Draconomicon (2e)

The creatures of lore and legend-of myth and mystery - only the dragons know the answers to the secrets and ciphers that surround them. But brave adventuring souls who have gone before have left behind clues and epistles with valuable information for anyone in pursuit of dragons. This tome is a compilation of the lifetime efforts of numerous dragon-hunting adventurers, presented to those who crave...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99 $5.99

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CM3 Sabre River (Basic)

CM3 Sabre River (Basic)

You are a guest of the count, one of your allies and the strongest man in the region. Your sojourn has been pleasant, a nice change after weeks of battle. Suddenly the courtyard below your window is filled with the noise of galloping horses. More guests? You yawn as you look out. But these people arriving look more like tax collectors than guests. You decide to give your attention to something more...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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DMGR8: Sages & Specialists (2e)

DMGR8: Sages & Specialists (2e)

In the dangerous, fast-paced world of adventuring, knowledge means survival. In a age of legends, even the greatest heroes need technical advisors. Inside Sages & Specialists you'll find ten new NPC specialist classes--from apothecary to seer, from engineer to scribe--each with his own special talents and insights. In addition, this book contains a host of new rules that directly affect the lives...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99 $2.99

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Battlesystem Miniatures Rules (2e)

Battlesystem Miniatures Rules (2e)

This book, a full-scale revision and expansion of the rules in the original Battlesystem Fantasy Combat Supplement, gives you all the information you need to set up and play battles with miniature figures. These rules can be used without the AD&D game books, but you can also convert characters and creatures from an AD&D game campaign and use them in Battlesystem scenarios. Lavishly illustrated...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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I12 Egg of the Phoenix (1e)

I12 Egg of the Phoenix (1e)

"Come on," they said. "It won't be so tough, just stopping a slavery ring," they said. "I don't know," you said. "Those slaves aren't even entirely human! How do we know they won't try to kill us?" But you went, and now you're having second thoughts. There were the thieves in the lost crypts of Empyrea, raising hundreds of—no, that's too disturbing to think about. There were...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.95

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PHBR13 Complete Druid's Handbook (2e)

PHBR13 Complete Druid's Handbook (2e)

Druids love forests, true - but they love the arctic tundra, tropical rain forests, broad savannas, and fungi caverns of the Underdark, too. This 128-page accessory expands the living world of the druid in the AD&D 2nd Edition game, bringing new homes, character kits, personalities, spells, magical items, herbal lore, and a hundred details on druidic society, sacred groves, and high-level aspirations....   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99 $5.99

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C4 To Find a King (1e)

C4 To Find a King (1e)

Two centuries ago, the last king of the celtic kingdom of Pellham was deposed in favor of a High Council. Now, however, things are going badly, and a restless populace longs for the days of the ancient kingship. The High Council is floundering -- and the political situation is turning ugly. It was then that the Brothers of Brie, an obscure monastic order, discovered a long-forgotten...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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The Art of the Dragonlance Saga

The Art of the Dragonlance Saga

A memorable passage from The Art of the Dragonlance Saga explains the saga's birth in 1984: "The god who began to envision the possibility of this world in his mind was the God of Marketing. This god ascended from his mighty throne one day in early 1983 and announced that he had done a survey. And, according to the survey, people who played the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS? game wanted more dragons." And...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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PHBR9 The Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings (2e)

PHBR9 The Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings (2e)

Clever illusionists and sly practical jokers. Brilliant burglars and easygoing farmers.   Now The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings reveals the secrets of these two popular races - their culture, beliefs, and subraces (including two new subraces), as well as 28 new character kits, from the gnome Goblinsticker to the halfling Forestwalker.   If you enjoy playing gnome or halfling characters,...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99 $5.99

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PHBR11 The Complete Ranger's Handbook (2e)

PHBR11 The Complete Ranger's Handbook (2e)

Forest guardian, border runner, bounty hunter, and more - the full potential of the ranger class has never been plumbed. Until now.   Come learn the inner most secrets of one of the most popular AD&D character classes. Details on every part of the ranger's life, from allied forest brethren to unusual outdoor equipment. With 15 new and exciting character kits, this book is an information-packed...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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DMGR1 Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide (2e)

DMGR1 Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide (2e)

Whether you're a novice DM getting ready to referee your first AD&D game or an old pro who's running an established campaign, there's something for you in the Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide. We've included dozens of helpful tips to help you better organize your games, design adventures, and make your NPCs come to life. In short, there's something for everybody in this exciting...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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IM2 The Wrath of Olympus (Basic)

IM2 The Wrath of Olympus (Basic)

Immortals lie chained atop a mountain in the Broken Lands. Their bonds relentlessly drain their power while demons cavort with glee around the wispy barrier, as strong as any prison. Have you the courage to embark on a dangerous mission for the materials necessary to craft an artifact? If you survive that task, you must then assume the Identities of legendary heroes of Darokin and face deadly Immortal...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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C5 The Bane of Llewellyn (1e)

C5 The Bane of Llewellyn (1e)

Excitement and unrest grip the land of Pellham. Two hundred years ago, the royal line of kings was deposed and replaced by a High Council. The current council is well-meaning but hopelessly incompetent. Everyone agrees that a drastic change is needed for the kingdom to survive. The ancient Prophecy of Brie foretells that in Pellham's darkest hour, a king from the past will return to...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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DMGR6 The Complete Book of Villains (2e)

DMGR6 The Complete Book of Villains (2e)

A paranoid warlord, a bitter drow priestess, a power-mad archmage, a sly dwarven assassin - not all the characters in the AD&D game went the way of the heroes. Villains (beings dedicated to committing evil) are the most dangerous of all foes, and thus the most useful of tools a Dungeon Master has to create a memorable campaign. This book presents the most complete guidelines ever offered on creating...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99 $5.99

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DMGR5 Creative Campaigning (2e)

DMGR5 Creative Campaigning (2e)

DM: "OK, you're all sitting in the tavern when..." Players: "Oh no, not another tavern scenario! We're tired of those! We want something different!" If this sounds like your latest gaming session, Creative Campaigning can help: This book is loaded with ideas and suggestions that will make even the most jaded players sit up and pay attention. Everything from...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $7.99

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Wrath of the Minotaur (2e)

Wrath of the Minotaur (2e)

You hold in your hands the introduction to the world's greatest fantasy roleplaying experince, the Dungeons & Dragons game. If you have a taste for excitement, if you're ready to take the next step beyond computer adventure games, this is what you've been waiting for! It all starts with the celebrated Fast-Play Rules, a step-by-step tutorial that shows you the basic concepts of the game in a few...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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Fast-Play Game - Dungeons & Dragons Worlds of Adventure (2e)

Fast-Play Game - Dungeons & Dragons Worlds of Adventure (2e)

The Fast-Play rules booklet was a free module released by TSR/WotC in 1998 to provide a quick and easy entry point into the world of 2nd Edition AD&D. It included pre-generated characters and a short dungeon, as well as an open ended setting. The rules themselves were a stripped down subset of 2nd edition rules. Each pregen and each encounter had descriptions of the unique rules and mechanics...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $1.99

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Legends of the Twins (3.5)

Legends of the Twins (3.5)

Create Your Own Legend… One twin plots in a dark tower, mastering the arcane forces of magic and learning the secrets that will allow him to enter the Portal and challenge the gods themselves. The other twin hides from personal demons at the bottom of a bottle, not yet having found the courage and wisdom to become whole. Their legend will change both the history of Krynn and its...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $19.99

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Dragonlance: Fifth Age Dramatic Adventure Game (SAGA)

Dragonlance: Fifth Age Dramatic Adventure Game (SAGA)

A generation ago, the War with Chaos heralded a new age for the world of Krynn - the Age of Mortals. Just as the shattered land of Ansalon had begun to recover, a new threat from across the sea descended upon the populace: the Great Dragons. Larger and more fierce than any wyrms ever to battle in the wars of past ages, these beasts have brought terrible oppression to the land they now claim. Humans...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume III

Monstrous Compendium Annual - Volume III

Welcome to the third installment of the Monstrous Compendium annual. Drawn from our best adventures of 1995?not to mention the award-winning Dragon, Dungeon, and Polyhedron magazines?this annual also marks the return of many old classics and introduces some nifty new critters! More than 100 denizens of the land, sky, sea, and Outer Planes are ready to sneak, storm, or wheedle their way out of these...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.95

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Gateway to Ravens Bluff - The Living City (2e)

Gateway to Ravens Bluff - The Living City (2e)

Gateway to Ravens Bluff, The Living City. Enter the gates of Ravens Bluff, The Living City. Nestled in the Forgotten Realms, the city calls to adventurers. Inside the gates are many businesses with colorful proprietors, officials and noblemen working to shape the city\'s future and exciting adventures just waiting to be joined. This product, created by RPGA Network members, features several...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.95

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