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The Pugilist Class

The Pugilist Class

With nothing but their wits, will, and fists, pugilists lay it all on the table every time they’re in for a scrap. No strangers to adversity, pugilists can dish it out, take a licking and still keep coming back for more. A pugilist’s unbreakable spirit and talent for fisticuffs don’t come from rigorous training or high minded philosophies but are the hard won trophies of never backing down from...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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The Scholar Class

The Scholar Class

Unlikely heroes though they are, scholars leverage their impressive genius and prestigious educations to overcome challenges that would thwart less prepared adventurers. Whether they’re analyzing an enemy for weaknesses or giving sagacious advice to their allies, a scholar’s keen powers of reasoning and deduction can clutch victory from the jaws of defeat. All scholars specialize in a field of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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The Complete Devout Handbook

The Complete Devout Handbook

Packed inside this handbook you’ll find new player options for your cleric, druid, monk, and paladin characters! The Complete Devout Handbook includes: 4 Cleric divine domains: Commerce Domain, Darkness Domain, Love Domain, Prophecy Domain 4 Druid circles: Circle of Bond, Circle of Branch, Circle of Cataclysm, Circle of Spirit 4 Monk...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $11.95

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The Book of Uncommon Ancestry

The Book of Uncommon Ancestry

Inside the the Book of Uncommon Ancestry you’ll find a treasure trove of new player options related to some of the rarer peoples of the D&D multiverse. It features 12 new player character races, new weapons used mainly by giff and thri-kreen adventurers, over 30 new racial feats, and 48 new magic items. New races explored in the Book include: Book wyrms are small, winged...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $11.95

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Dragontortleborn, an Original Race for D&D 5e

Dragontortleborn, an Original Race for D&D 5e

"An odd cousin of dragonborn, the dragontortleborn combine the best attributes of dragons, humanoids, and turtles. Usually mistaken for a particularly fearsome tortle or a shelled dragonborn, dragontortleborn are a rare sight in most worlds. Despite their small numbers, dragontortleborn are every bit as proud as their dragonborn cousins. While the dragonborn make their wars on land, dragontortleborn...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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The Complete Devout Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

The Complete Devout Handbook (Fantasy Grounds)

This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here. The Complete Devout Handbook is packed with player options, spells, and magic items for your Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Paladin characters! Will you play a cleric of commerce sealing business deals with divine magic? A druid that speaks with spirits and fights wielding a whisker plucked from...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $8.95

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Il Pugile

Il Pugile

Con nient'altro se non astuzia, determinazione e i loro pugni, i pugili piazzano ogni loro colpo come se fosse l'ultimo. Non sono estranei alle avversità e possono darle, incassarle e tuttavia non cedere. Lo spirito indistruttibile e il talento per il pugilato non provengono da un rigoroso allenamento o da grandi filosofie, ma sono il risultato della determinazione e del non tirarsi mai indietro...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.06 $2.05

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Le Pugiliste

Le Pugiliste

Avec rien d’autre que leur astuce, leur volonté et leur poings, les pugilistes donnent tout ce qu’ils à chaque fois qu’ils se battent. Familier avec l’adversité, les pugilistes peuvent donner autant qu’ils reçoivent et toujours revenir pour plus. L’esprit incassable d’un pugiliste et son talent pour la bagarre ne viennent pas d’un entraînement rigoureux ou d’idéaux philosophiques,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.50

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The Incomplete Devout Handbook

The Incomplete Devout Handbook

This free product includes a preview of the material available in The Complete Devout Handbook. Included in this preview is 4 new archetypes and 10 new spells. Here’s what reviewers and DM’s Guild authors are saying about The Complete Devout Handbook: “The Complete Devout Handbook is masterfully crafted and provides abundant, interesting,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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