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Hunter $3.95
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jason P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/11/2018 09:47:00

Both a loving homage to the film Predator and a genuinely challenging adventure, Hunter works quite well. CAN work well. The adventure provides the situation (stuck in an isolated part of the jungle), the NPCs (a group of Flaming Fist mercenaries, an ambassador, and a knowing Chultan), and a timeline of events. Oh, yeah--and a tough, invisible monster. I had fun DMing this, as did my players--for the most part. I ran this as an AL adventure and thought it was smartly written and designed. But much of the sandbox nature requires players totally buying into the premise, and the problem I had was a party of overly cautious PCs. The adventure is designed for Bad Things to keep ramping out before the final fight with the creature, but my party was content to simply avoid any kind of danger and take tons of safety measures. (They were staying in character!)

I had to tweak some circumstances to essentially box the party in. Otherwise, the adventure would've petered out. Again, it's a VERY well-made adventure, but also has to have some player/party buy in to eventually taking the fight to the titular creature.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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